Mahindra Already is owner of Pininfarina
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Pininfarina Logo Mahindra ya es dueña de Pininfarina

Pininfarina Already is the new jewel of the crown of Mahindra, like this is like the own company resume the acquisition of this company of design with 85 years of historiay that has worked during years for the main manufacturers of automobiles, being the most notorious the collaborations with Ferrari. Mahindra Spent several months after Pininfarina and finally has achieved to do with 76,06% of the shareholders of the company that up to now controlled PincarS.r.l. To a prcio of 1,1 euros by action (25,3 million euros).

The acquisition will carry by means of a joint venture created among Tech Mahindra Limited and  Mahindra & Mahindra, two companies of the holding of companies Mahindra Group. The first part will have 60% of the package of actions, whereas on the division of automobiles Mahindra & Mahindra recaerá 40% remaining. The actions that have not been purchased by this joint-venture will be offered in an available Public Offer of actions (OPV) to the same price.

mahindra pickup Mahindra ya es dueña de Pininfarina

IN SPITE OF the absorption of Pininfarina, the company will keep on being independent and quoting in the stock exchange of Milan. The current director of the byline, Paolo Pininfarina will follow at the head of this prestigious byline. Like part of the agreement, Mahindra engages to invest 20 million euros in Pininfarina, in addition to giving a guarantee of 114,5 million euros to the distinct creditors.

Mahindra Foresees to take a lot of party to the studio of design and the engineers of Pininfarina in other slopes in addition to the car. It has a squad with experience that will be vital for the growth of the company, when putting the focus on the European market, American or Chinese, knowing the main tendencies regarding design in diverse products.

Source – Mahindra

The article Mahindra already is owner of Pininfarina has been originally published in Actuality Engine.

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